Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016, the continuation of the activity (course participation), implies the acceptance of the processing of your personal data, as reported in the document "Information to Members for the purpose of enrollment in FAD (distance) Courses in accordance with Art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 ("Regulation") and Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 as amended."

The Data Controller is MI&T Congressi srl, accredited as a national CME Provider, with registered office in Viale Carducci, 50 - 40125 Bologna. It can be contacted by phone at 011 5175535, or by mail at Viale Carducci, 50 - 40125 Bologna, or by e-mail at MI&T Congressi srl has designated a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted by writing to the addresses mentioned. The processing object of this information concerns common personal data such as, by way of example but not limited to, name and surname, tax code, place and date of birth, residence address, landline and mobile phone number, e-mail, profession, provided directly to the Data Controller by the data subject when registering with the Association or at a training event. Log-in and password data are provided by the data subject when first accessing the platform.

Personal data are collected and processed for the following purposes: a-training purposes: for the pursuit of the cultural non-profit Association's own purpose as an Organization accredited as a CME Provider Standard n.1234, i.e. for the delivery of FAD (distance learning) courses and related activities (such as but not limited to course registration and verification of participants' requirements, delivery of the training course, preparation of attendance certificates);

The provision of your personal data is optional, in any case, failure to provide them will make it impossible for the Data Controller to finalize the registration to the Association and/or the training activities, or to perform the services for which the interested party has approached MI&T Congressi srl.

Personal data will be processed for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the Association's purposes (normally coinciding with the period of the interested party's membership in the Association). Where the data are processed for training activities, they will be deleted 10 years after the termination of the association relationship. At the end of the period necessary for the aforementioned purposes, the data will be deleted or destroyed in a secure manner.

Your personal data will not be disclosed, that is they will not be communicated to unspecified subjects however, for the pursuit of the purposes described above, MI&T Congressi srl, may need to communicate them to possible partners, for the performance of activities instrumental to the provision of services requested, or to fulfill legal obligations. Reference is made to third parties involved in activities of an administrative-accounting, fiscal and technical-informatics nature, as well as in activities related to the organization of the event in the event that the course provides for free participation only for members of the partner. Your personal data could also be communicated to the subjects to whom the regulations in force provide for mandatory communication, such as the Authorities and Institutions regulating the training activity (by way of example and not limited to AGENAS, COGEAPS, CNOAS, CROAS, or to the Order of Social Assistants and other professional bodies or registers regulating the training activities) for the purpose of issuing the certificate of participation and the attribution of training credits.

With reference to your data and its processing by the Data Controller, you may exercise the following rights, provided for in Articles 15 et seq. of the Regulations, including:

  • Right to rectification of your personal data;
  • Right to the deletion of your personal data;
  • Right to restriction of processing of your personal data;
  • Right to object to the processing of your personal data.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority in accordance with Article 77 of the Regulations.

Disclosure to trainees for the purpose of enrollment in FAD (distance learning) Courses pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 ("Regulation") and Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 as amended.

Dear Participant,
the following paragraphs contain a series of information useful to understand how we process your personal information through the platform of delivery of FAD courses in online mode, in compliance with the current provisions on the protection of personal data and the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, integrity and confidentiality. We therefore invite you to read this policy carefully.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Origin of your Data and Categories of Data processed

Purposes of Processing and Legal Basis

b-purposes of compliance with legal obligations: for the fulfillment of obligations of an accounting and administrative nature, as required by sector regulations (e.g. relative to the attribution of training credits);

c- institutional information purposes: for sending information material about new courses on the calendar, via e-mail, to the participants of the latest FAD (distance learning) courses pertaining to the subject matter of training.

The processing of personal data is based, with regard to purposes a) and c), in Art. 6 letter b) GDPR; with regard to purpose b), on the other hand, in Art. 6 letter c) GDPR.

Place of Data Processing and Method of Processing

Your personal data are processed on Italian territory. The processing is carried out electronically and/or manually, through the use of instruments and procedures suitable to guarantee maximum security and confidentiality, in compliance with the provisions of art. 32 of the Regulations.

Provision of data and consequences of refusal

Retention of data

Communication and Dissemination of Data

These subjects process personal data as autonomous Data Controllers, co-owners or External Data Processors specifically appointed by the Data Controller. The list of External Data Processors is available to the data subject who makes an explicit request to the Data Controller.

Lastly, all employees who carry out their activities on the basis of the instructions received from the Data Controller have been specially authorized by the Data Controller, who gives appropriate operating instructions, with particular reference to the adoption of security measures, in order to be able to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data.

Your Rights

Right of access to personal data concerning you;

You may address any request regarding your rights by mail to the address of the registered office of the Data Controller (Viale Carducci, 50 - 40125 Bologna), or by e-mail to

Federcongressi Eventi
Axe register Certificato n° IT20-05501A
231 compliance

MI&T S.r.l. Organizzazione Congressi © 2016 All rights reserved
Viale Carducci 50 40125 Bologna (BO) Italia P.I. 03070781202
tel. 051 22.04.27 fax. 051 0822077 mobile. 335 59.18.811 mail.
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